easier - Stuart's Blog

April 30, 2008


hi everyone,hope you are well,i have been adjusting to a half dose of my tablets from 4mg to 2mg of respiridone in an attempt to reduce my anxiety and get some feeling back i had a hard night 2 days ago but it seems to have leveled out and i am not sure if i am any better i cannot tell but my girlfriend seems to think i am much better doing this as i am not doped up as much and i havent had any paranoia or delusions or anything but its early days yet so i just hope i'm not being foolish i know i have been depending on my tablets for atleast 4 years and havent changed the dose and i know i need them and will not stop taking them but i have been trying to control my anxiety for a while now and am now convinced they are contributing to it so if i am better on 2mg i will stay on them and if not i will change to abilify and thats my plan anyway.things are not as hectic now i dont need to visit the hospital anymore as my dad is out now and the animals dont need the vet anymore and i really hope he stays off the drink but i doubt it as his best friend is an alcoholic ,my mums exam is coming up shortly for her british sign language course second year so i hope she does well,its really hard for her as her sight isn't that good and i worry about her sometimes when she goes out but she's a survivor like my dad aswell and me.thats all,have a nice time,

April 30, 2008

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