
October 13, 2005


Wa'al, everyone, this book tour has really challenged me. I've learned to speak in public, be interviewed on TV and radio, go to restaurants other than diners and Dunkin Donuts, I've even been to a real hotel, something I haven't done since childhood. I didn't know how to do any of it before, but I've bitten the bullet and learned by the seat of my pants, in doing it.

We've had standing room only at every engagement we've done, though there has never been as many chairs available as the 320 seats at the West Hartford Town Hall. And there is always a long line of people wantiong us to sign books, but by then I'm pretty tired and let Lynnie do most of the talking.

Next week we hit Westchester NAMI and the Albany MHA as keynote speakers...I might even give a short speech instead of just reading from the book and a few relevant poems...That makes me nervous, but so what? I'm growing up!

Posted by pamwagg at October 13, 2005 04:48 PM


Dear Pam,
I don't know if anyone who reads your blog can truly understand the courage and sheer strength of will it has taken for you to accomplish everything you have done to promote your book. I do. I have such respect and admiration for you that I can say no more in this forum but,"Well done, good and faithful servant."
Lovingly, Perky

Posted by: Paula Kirkpatrick at October 13, 2005 08:20 PM

way to go pam!!=) congrats! tc. love, puzli

Posted by: puzli at October 13, 2005 05:45 PM

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